
Camp Details
We will only be excepting 24 CAMPERS Per Week
We will have 1 bus that will bring children from Kanata, with stops in Nepean & and Ottawa. At a lower price, parents will have a choice to use the bus or not, coordinate carpooling and/or drop their children at Camp Fortune.
All staff and campers (12 and up) must be vaccinated. We will keep everyone posted with Ontario/Quebec new guidelines as they become available.
All camps will continue to run from 9 AM to 4 PM daily with the addition of pre-and post care from 8-9 AM and 4-5:00 PM.
We will be sending everyone all our COVID-19 procedures. As well as we are getting a new website with a COVID-19 Portal for all parents.
As this situation is fluid, we ask for your patience and for you to keep up to date through the sources provided.
(Link to our Covid-19 Procedures: http://www.nationalkidscamps.com/camp-covid-19-procedures-2020/).

Camp Fortune
Day Tripping to Meech Lake Fishing, SUP, Freebee & more….
Our 5-day camp will pair campers with primitive life skills and outrageous summer fun!
The intention of this camp is to teach our next generation the basic life skills needed to survive,
not only in the office, but if they were left alone in the forest, island, or any place they may need to survive – without their phone!
Skills taught/practiced include shelter and fire building,
wilderness medicine, teamwork, orienteering, fishing and food preparation.
While other survival camps give kids exposure to many of the concepts/skills above, few of them have the practical knowledge/familiarity to provide significant hands on experimentation.
Your kids will also be:
- Fishing
- Archery
- Swimming-Meech Lake
- Fly-Tying
- Orienteering
- Outdoor Skills
- First Aid
- Rescue Techniques
- Hiking
- Fire Building Skills
- Aerial Park- We are hoping that the aerial park will be open for 2022 but we can not guarantee due to COVID-19.
- Wildlife and nature education
- Positive personal goal setting
- Team building games
- More Paddle boarding
Gain valuable skills that could forever change their lives and give them the tools necessary
to correctly process anything that comes at them in life.
Campers have a blast while learning and growing.
Location: Camp Fortune 300 chemin Dunlop, Chelsea, QC, J9B 2N3
Camp Hours: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
10-16 years Old
Week 2-July 4-July 8
Week 3-July 11-July 15
Week 5-July 25-July 29
Week 7-August 8-August 12
Week 8-August 15-August 19
5 Day Cost: $379+hst
5 Day Cost: $429+hst with Bus
4 Day Cost: $309+hst
4 Day Cost: $349+hst with Bus