, Sign-Out
We realize that this is a bit of a hassle, but we want to ensure the safety of your child. You are asked to sign your child in and out each day. This measure allows us to track your child’s attendance for security purposes and to make sure that we know who is picking them up at the end of the day.
Nut Awareness
National Kids Camps provides a nut-free camp environment. No nut products allowed at camp. We do not provide any foods that contain nuts or nut products.
Staff training regarding life threatening allergies ensures a proactive approach to food safety. Our staff are CPR and First Aid trained so that they will respond appropriately should there be an anaphylactic reaction.
As soon as you complete your registration, you will receive an official receipt. It will be sent by email along with your confirmation. If you need a receipt, log into your account (email and password) and download your receipt.
Cancel Registration
There are no refunds for cancelled registrations, EVEN FOR COVID-19. Only a credit is available, if applicable, please read Credit Information.
There are no refunds for cancelled registrations.
You can receive a 5-year credit for your full amount paid with no cancellation fee as long as it is completed before June 1, 2022 for summer camps or February 10, 2022 for March Break Camps. For COVID-related issues, you will receive a 5-year credit. Your camp credit is transferable to any person and may be used for any NTS/NKC camps. Only available at participating locations, not including Tennis Centre West Ottawa.
Change Registration
Our deadline for changes to your camp registration is June 1, 2022. After this date, a change fee of $50 per change will be levied. We will provide confirmation by email of your change once we have received your payment.
Post-Dated Cheques
You may pay your camp fees by post-dated cheque. However, please be advised that your child’s spot in camp for that week is not guaranteed until your cheque has been received and cleared by the bank. To reserve your spot instantly, please complete our online registration form and make payment by credit card. Otherwise, you run the risk of having the camp fill up before your cheque has been received.
Extreme Heat Policy
A heat warning is automatically declared when Environment Canada forecasts a humidex of 40 or more for at least two consecutive days.
Our staff understands the damaging effects of overexposure to the sun’s rays and so we have established some specific policies that protect our campers and still allow them to enjoy the outdoors. The safety of the children will always take priority over camp activities. Our lesson plan/camp activities may be adjusted when extreme weather occurs.
Parents need to protect their children by:
- wear a hat
- wear light coloured clothing
- always wear sunscreen – waterproof sunscreens are designed to last the entire day, including up to an hour in the water. Sunscreen reminders are made several times throughout the day, and campers are encouraged and assisted by counselors to re-apply. Waterproof sunscreen should be applied at home prior to arriving at camp.
- stay in the shade or in the pool as much as possible
- take frequent breaks
- increase fluid intake
Rain or Shine
All camps will operate rain or shine. We do not offer refunds for inclement weather.
Administering Medication
National Kids Camps will administer medication only after parents have completed a “REQUEST FOR ADMINISTRATION OF PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION“ form. This form provides permission to employees of National Kids Camps to administer medication and/or emergency injections to campers during camp hours as per details provided on the form. Administration of medication will not be provided without this completed and signed form. The parent/guardian of a camper with a serious health concern is strongly encouraged to have proper identification on the student at all times (i.e., Medic Alert Bracelet) and is responsible for providing, in advance, medication/supplies for any treatment required in a life-threatening situation. These health concerns include but are not limited to severe allergies and anaphylactic shock, severe asthma, seizures and diabetes.
EpiPens, Life-threatening Allergies
We have a perfect safety record in dealing with life-threatening allergies. In today’s climate it’s something that is quite common. Staff training regarding life threatening allergies ensures a proactive approach to safety. Our staff are CPR and First Aid trained so that they will respond appropriately should there be an anaphylactic reaction. Please be sure to complete a “REQUEST FOR ADMINISTRATION OF PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION” form if your child carries an EpiPen. See “Administering Medication” above.
Please bring two (2) EpiPens and one (1) photo of your child to camp. Your child should keep an EpiPen on them at all times (in a fanny pack) and we will keep the other in our first aid kit, which is always close by. Sending a small photo of this camper is also very helpful.
Tennis Lessons: Group and Private
Please do not forget to bring a tennis racquet, comfortable clothing, plus a hat and water. We will supply the balls. In case of rain, we will add another lesson at the end of the session.
*Every parent/camper will receive a ‘what to bring to camp’ and information package email the week before camp starts.
Summer Tennis Camps
Barrhaven, Tennis Centre West Ottawa, Britannia Yacht Club, Glen Cairn :
Please do not forget to bring a tennis racquet, comfortable clothing, bathing suit, towel, water bottle, lunch, hat, sunblock and healthy snacks.
Summer Survivor Camp, Amazing Race Camp and Wilderness Adventure Camp at Camp Fortune
Please do not forget to bring comfortable clothing, a water bottle, lunch, hat, sunblock, healthy snacks, bathing suit and towel.
Go Girl
Please do not forget to bring comfortable clothing, a bathing suit, towel, water bottle, lunch, hat, sunblock and healthy snacks.
Summer Serve and Splash Camp at Britannia Yacht Club
Please do not forget to bring a tennis racquet, life jacket, comfortable clothing, a bathing suit, towel, water bottle, lunch, hat, sunblock, sunglasses, and healthy snacks.
Mountain Bike Kids Kanata Lakes at All Saints HS:
- Signed waiver
- Mountain bike (tuned up and ready to go)
- Helmet and gloves (knee and elbow pads recommended)
- Lunch and lots of healthy snacks
- Spare inner tube and portable bike tools. If renting a bike, we provide tubes and repairs.
- Water bottle and light backpack (or Camelback) for riding and carrying gear
- Rain gear – riding rain or shine!
- Change of clothes, swimsuit and towel, extra running shoes
Mountain Bike Kids at Camp Fortune:
- Signed waiver
- Mountain Bike (tuned up and ready to go) or call in advance to rent a bike
- Helmet and gloves (knee and elbow pads recommended)
- Lunch and lots of healthy Snacks
- Spare inner tube and portable bike tools. If renting a bike, we provide tubes and repairs.
- Water bottle and light backpack (or Camelbak) for riding and carrying gear
- Rain gear – riding rain or shine!
- Change of clothes, swimsuit and towel, extra running shoes
Follow any instructions and policies in place at each of our facilities – if there are signs posted, or specific instructions communicated, please comply with those directions.
Please do not attend any of our programs if you are feeling unwell with symptoms of a fever or a cold (this applies to parents / guardians as spectators, participants and coaches) – our staff will ask anyone who exhibits symptoms of a cold or flu to leave the program.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have recently visited a country on the Government of Canada’s travel advisory list, please obtain clearance from your doctor before attending any of our programs and follow quarantine protocols as instructed by Public Health.
Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly – at least 20 seconds (or the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice); we will be asking all participants and staff to wash their hands upon arrival at each of our programs.
Always cover your cough and sneezes – if you do not have a tissue at hand, sneeze into your sleeve.
In lieu of handshakes and fist bumps, we will be encouraging a friendly hello / wave at all of our programs.
Additional Information:
- All staff and volunteers will be vaccinated (mandatory starting Nov 2021).
- All campers must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to attend Summer 2022 Camps.
- We will be keeping up to date with all the new Ontario/Quebec COVID-19 guidelines and will update this site accordingly.
- As always, we will keep our camps COVID-19 safe with the most up-to-date sanitizing equipment. We will also be adding COVID-19 RAPID ANTIGEN tests to help parents determine whether or not their child has COVID. It’s a simple and painless 15-min test that will indicate if your child can stay at the camp or if they are required to go home and isolate.